Mark Smith mark at
Tue Jul 24 19:28:48 EDT 2007

Andre, I made the sha1 and hmac stuff a while ago, and I seem to have  
got the Auth stuff working. It's a bit tricky, and not made easier by  
the fact that a number of the examples on their developer web-site  
are actually wrong!

I have got some basic get, head, put and delete things working, but I  
need to do some cleaning up. I'll happily email you what I've got so  
far when I've sorted it out a little. It's going to be a little while  
longer for a releasable library, but a week or so, maybe - I have a  
fairly busy week this week.



On 24 Jul 2007, at 22:01, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Mark,
> the tricky part for the S3 Implementation is not the HTTP Methods  
> but the
> authentication mechanism, for that you need SHA1 HMAC Hash stuff  
> which we
> don't have I think. If you can pass the authentication, the rest is  
> fairly
> easy. You can hard code the requests using strings if you encounter  
> some
> trouble using the httpheaders.
> Please reply with feedback on the auth thing, I've tried and I  
> could not do
> it.

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