Vista, UAC and Elevation in Rev

Scott Kane scott at
Wed Jul 11 13:12:14 EDT 2007

From: "Ken Ray" <kray at>

> Unfortunately this does not work if the user is a "Standard User"...

Yup.  Forgot to mention that.  But then that's only right else the whole 
idea of an Admin doing Admin stuff would be rendered mute.  :)

> instead of the dialog with Cancel and Allow, you need to enter an 
> administrator's password. You can *still* write the file into the
> Program Files folder and not have it virtualized, but it makes it 
> difficult for non-Administrator-level user to get updates this way...

There is some code around that can achieve this.  But I'm dead against using 
it or even distributing it.  For most of us here it should be a good enough 
way via admin and Update.exe and anybody not being the admin probably 
shouldn't be trying to get it to run.  What I might look for is something to 
convert to Rev so that the program can check if the admin is logged on 
before trying to execute an update.

> Vista's a real PITA!

It is that.  However in time we'll all get used to it. 

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