SQLite and multiuser

Joel Guillod joel.guillod at net2000.ch
Wed Jan 31 04:23:46 EST 2007

> I.e. You want invent a bike? :-)
> ...
> Use existed bikes? :-)
> --  
> Best regards,
> Ruslan Zasukhin
> VP Engineering and New Technology
> Paradigma Software, Inc
> Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information
> http://www.paradigmasoft.com

Of course the question was not targeted to a DBMS vendor. And dont be  
too presomptive because if you search the web on "SQLite server" you  
find that there are solutions on the way.
Ruslan, I can also return you the question: why did you reinvent the  
bike? I know one answer: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL are ACID compliant  
but dont have direct object link... Depending on the trip I prefer to  
ride a racing bike or a moutain bike! ;-)


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