Is there a reason to own 2 different Studio platforms?

Ian Wood revlist at
Tue Jan 30 17:51:17 EST 2007

You only *need* one, but it's *handy* to have it for all your target  

An example from this afternoon:

Development so far has been on OS X, as part of the preopenstack  
command I was setting the contents of several fields to "" so that  
they would start off empty. Slightly later on I was checking if the  
fields were empty before doing some resizing stuff.

Build standalones for OS X & Win. Boot up Parallels, load up a QTVR  
file and the resizing function isn't working in the Windows version.

Turns out that putting "" into a fld on Windows actually puts "0" in  
there. This was causing the field not to be empty, and giving a  
'divide by 0' error. The standalone wasn't giving an error message.  
By having the development environment available I immediately saw the  
error message and could track down the bug.


On 30 Jan 2007, at 21:56, Neal Campbell K3NC wrote:

> Sorry if this hits the list as a duplicate.
> I bought Studio to program on the Mac, with some intent to be able  
> to have easy porting to Linux and Windows. The marketing spin on  
> the website implies you really need to own only 1 platform of  
> Studio as you can develop once and deploy many.
> Is this the opinion of the people on the list? Is there a  
> compelling reason to own Studio on multiple platforms?
> Neal Campbell
> nealk3nc at
> "Devoted to Dogs: How to be your dog's best owner"
> Great Dog Book  at
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