Alt-things re-uploaded

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Jan 26 14:11:38 EST 2007

Hi all,

> Some problems with the alt-externals have been corrected. If you  
> tried before and they didn't work, try again. New, fixed versions  
> have just been uploaded to the same web page. I'm not sure if I am  
> supposed to post the URL here or not, so check your RR email  
> announcement for it.
> The fixes include correcting the installation directory and  
> externals path, as well as an error that occured unzipping the  
> altFont file.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |

the altBrowser PDF docs on the web appear to be for the first version  
of altBrowser
and not for the actual downloadable version 2

-> altBrowser does not support multiple instancing
Currently altBrowser does not support multiple instancing, and only  
one altBrowser stack can be active at
a given time. This limitation is due to the fact the original version  
had no need for multiple instancing, and
we haven't yet added support for it. If needed, please contact us and  
we can discuss a customized
version for you.

The latest version (altBrowser2) DOES support multiple instancing.

Don't get me wrong, but as much as I appreciate the fact that we can  
load these externals right now,
I do not think that RunRev does itself a favour in supplying this  
half-baked solution.

And I dont think that new users will completely understand why the  
new loadable files (installers) show up as "Altuit" products.
Besides the fact that "AltSQLite Homepage" will point to  "http://"
and show a "The page cannot be found" error...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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