crash, crash, crash

Trevor DeVore lists at
Fri Jan 26 03:51:04 EST 2007

On Jan 25, 2007, at 8:26 AM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2007, at 2:50 AM, Jim Ault wrote:
>> As far as the crash problems, this sounds like something strange  
>> is going
>> on.  There are others who are doing unicode and not reporting such  
>> problems,
>> for example Dar Scott, Devin Assay come to mind.
> I think this is in fact a Rev bug.  I received an email the other  
> day from someone using a free trial of one of our programs about a  
> crash.  He was in Finland and had the following keyboard setup:
> - System preferences / International / Language / English
> - System preferences / International / Input Menu (= keyboard  
> layout) / Finnish Extended
> He said that typing work fine until he entered the first  
> scandinavic letter (ex. a-umlaut). He said all text after that will  
> become strange and also the keyboard layout (in the menubar) tries  
> to change to british.  If he continues to type in the program it  
> crashes.
> I have seen similar behavior when using Russian input but I haven't  
> tracked down what the problem is yet.

To follow up on this - I tracked down what was causing the problem in  
our software.  I have a text entry field that resizes the height  
while you type in order to fit the contents of the field.  I was  
capturing the keyDown message in a frontscript, inserting the  
character manually and then checking to see if the field needed to be  

It turns out that this makes Rev fields sad and led to odd characters  
being inserted into the field.  I'm not sure why though.  In any  
case, I now process the rawKeyUp message and let the engine insert  
the characters in the field and everything seems to be working  
(though my resize behavior doesn't behave exactly how I would like it  

What would be nice is a  
  message that was called after the character was inserted into the  
field but before it was displayed to the user.  It seems that a  
message like this would make auto resizing fields cleaner.  Or am I  
missing an existing feature that facilitates this?

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -
trevor at

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