crash, crash, crash

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Jan 25 14:02:00 EST 2007

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> mark in Japan wrote:
>> Side note:  I ordered a rev product, as far as I know, they took my  
>> money, I received an order acknowledgment saying that I would receive  
>> my unlock codes in 2 working days.  That was 10 days ago and I never  
>> got anything.  I wrote twice asking what happened and never got a  
>> reply.  I've checked my junk folders carefully and there is nothing  
>> there.  Did the Rev guys skip town with my money?  What the hell is  
>> going on?  Anyone out there?   Hello, hello????
> I can't speak for them, but with my own customers I get several 
> complaints like yours each month, and in every case it turns out that 
> the registration email was sent immediately after purchase but the 
> customer's over-aggressive spam filters trapped it.  I even have some 
> customers who have so little control over their email that my reply to 
> their "Where is my reg code?" email never gets to them either. 
> Fortunately for them I have a toll-free number. :)

This is almost always the case. Tech support has had occasions where 
we've replied repeatedly and none of our responses have made it through. 
Sometimes the spam filters are out of the customer's control -- for 
example, Comcast blocks all sorts of mail before it ever reaches the 
customer's account (I am on a mailing list that gets blocked by Comcast 
all the time.)

I will look up Mark's records.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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