help with revZip

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Tue Jan 16 12:14:31 EST 2007

I'm having a problem all of a sudden. I'm running Rev 2.7.4 on OS X  
10.4.8 and trying use the revZip functions/commands. Whenever I try  
to use the revZipOpenArchive command to open a zip file to work with,  
I'm getting a "can't find handler" message. I know this has worked in  
the past because I've used it. I can't figure out what's going on.  
It's like the revZip external is not loading. I'm just doing this in  
the IDE, so it should be available. Anyone have any ideas? I don't  
have to specifically set the externals to the revzip bundle do I? Not  
for working in the IDE?


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

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