Item Delimiters?????

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Fri Jan 5 11:21:43 EST 2007

On 1/5/07 5:44 AM, "Mark Schonewille" <m.schonewille at>
> Hi Dave,
> You can use any character with ASCII code 1 to 255 as an item
> delimiter. A list of all characters:
> repeat with x = 1 to 255
>    put x && numtochar(x) & cr after myList
> end repeat
> put myList
> You will easily see which characters are printable. Note that 9 is
> tab, 10 linefeed, 13 return and 32 space, printable but not
> necessarily visible.
> In my user space on Rev Online ("Mark"), I have a stack that shows an
> ASCII table and it isn't the only one available.

You can also use NULL, which has advantages when you want to use your own
itemDel char and not have to choose one that may already be in the source
--in the stack script
on testt
  get null & the name of this stack & cr & the name of me & null \
      &"chars after the last null"
  put item 1 of it into orig --the whole string
  set the itemdel to null
  put item 2 of it into null2 --only the center part
  put orig & cr & cr & cr & null2 into msg
end testt

One word of caution.  If you use nulls, the filter command will fail, so you
will need to replace with empty/or/other char before using the filter
command on lines of text.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

> Op 5-jan-2007, om 14:34 heeft Dave het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi All,
>> What are the allowable Item Delimiters? How can I have a list that
>> uses all printable characters? is there any way of setting a
>> Delimiter as a non-printable character?

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