Altbrowser html page communication with application?

Chipp Walters chipp at
Wed Jan 3 16:39:36 EST 2007

On 1/3/07, Ralf Bitter <rabit at> wrote:

> does this work with a Javascript object (location) in a function
> (location.href = "myPage.html") too?

If the browser issues a 'BEFORE_NAVIGATE' command, then altBrowser will trap it.

> Does the stack get the message before the page is displayed?

Yes, you can keep the page from going anywhere by trapping
BEFORE_NAVIGATE. You can insert dummy <a href> tags to trap user
mouseClicks. For instance say you have the html:

<a href="beep">Click here to beep</a>

will fire the XBrowser_BeforeNavigate handler in altBrowser and pass
to it as a parameter.

on XBrowser_BeforeNavigate purl
   do pURL
end XBrowser_BeforeNavigate

executes a beep from Rev w/out navigating away from the current page.

At least that's how altBrowser works currently. I can't speak as to
how it will be implemented in the future.


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