like pass, but without ending the handler

Chipp Walters chipp at
Wed Feb 28 19:22:08 EST 2007

Here's what I ended up with..Seems to work fine and I don't see any
increase in processor usage on XP.

Script of btn 1 (the "test" button)

on mouseUp
  answer getThing()
end mouseUp

function getThing
  repeat forever
    wait 100 millisecs with messages
    if there is a file "C:/test.txt" then
      put URL ("file:C:/test.txt") into tResult
      delete file "C:/test.txt"
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return tResult
end getThing

Script of btn 2 (the "stop now" button)

on mouseUp
  put "stop Now" into URL("file:C:/test.txt")
end mouseUp

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