Drag and drop from a list field

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at mac.com
Tue Feb 27 23:03:13 EST 2007

Ken's suggestion works for making a text clipping on the desktop with 
the both the name of the file and contents of the file whatever was in 
the line of the field being dragged.

I need to intercept this and put something else in those places. In my 
case the field is a list of names each of which represents a data 
record (with multiple fields) but is not the complete data record in 
the list field. I want to collect and format a vCARD from the data base 
and have that be deposited as a vCARD on the desktop.

Bill Vlahos

On Feb 27, 2007, at 8:17 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 21:39:29 -0800, Bill Vlahos wrote:
>> Klaus has a great demo stack in RevOnLine on dragging and dropping a
>> file on the computer desktop into a field or stack. What I want to
>> know is how to drag and drop out of a list field onto the desktop.
>> There is a sample drag and drop in the Rev docs using graphics
>> objects for dragging the name of a color graphic to another object on
>> the same card. Essentially the object has the script:
>> on mouseDown
>>   set the dragData["text"] to the short name of the target
>>   set the borderWidth of the target to 3
>> end mouseDown
>> on dragEnd
>>   set the borderWidth of the target to 1
>> end dragEnd
>> I have two questions.
>> 1. How do I get the content of the line of text (the one that is
>> selected) in a list field that I want to drag from?
> You could:
>   set the dragData["text"] to the hilitedText of the target
> However, the cursor changes to be the "can't drag" cursor, even though
> you can drop the text into the Message Box or another app without a
> problem, so you'd have to change the cursor too:
> on mouseDown
>   lock cursor
>   set cursor to arrow
>   set the dragData["text"] to the hilitedText of the target
> end mouseDown
> The problem with *that* is that you're releasing outside of the main
> card window, so no mouseUp/mouseRelease message will be sent. So you'd
> need to poll for the mouseState like this:
> on mouseDown
>   lock cursor
>   set cursor to 24   -- the drag cursor
>   send "checkMouse" to me in 100 milliseconds
>   set the dragData["text"] to the hilitedText of the target
> end mouseDown
> on checkMouse
>   if the mouse is up then
>     unlock cursor
>   else
>     send "checkMouse" to me in 100 milliseconds
>   end if
> end checkMouse
>> 2. How do I send it outside the stack to the desktop to make a file
>> on the desktop?
> Well, if you're just dragging text, then the OS does it for you - when
> you drag text into the Finder (or Windows Explorer) and release, it
> will make a clipping file for you - basically it detects the type of
> dragData ("text" in this case), and handles it for you. However I don't
> know how to find out exactly *where* the file ends up. That is, what
> folder, etc. received the clipping.
> It would really be great if the "dragDestination" could be updated to
> contain this kind of information, but right now the destination can
> only be other objects in Rev.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to find out where the clipping was 
> dropped?
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
> Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
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