Failed Windows Standalone

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Feb 27 00:24:57 EST 2007

Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
> Thanks for the info, Jacque. I didn't have a CD involved in any way. I 
> don't have my two computers networked (security - one for the internet 
> and the other for real work - smile), so I go between them with a 
> firewire hard drive that I can hot connect/disconnect. But there may be 
> something to what you've said and I'll have to think over it. I'm 
> running windows XP under Virtual PC 6, so I don't know exactly how all 
> of this is relevant. I've run a number of programs, some from CDs too, 
> without any problems in the past. If/when I solve this I'll let everyone 
> know the why and wherefore.

Not that I'm an expert in this stuff, by any means, but what I got from 
the info was that Windows tries to read different drives in different 
modes. If a driver isn't set to a compatible mode, you will get an error 
and the read/write will fail. If you are using a FireWire drive, the VPC 
default driver settings may not be set right for that drive.

The easiest way around this would be to simply copy your standalone to 
the actual hard drive image. Then you won't have to worry about 
read/write driver mechanisms or make any Windows adjustments. Basically, 
you aren't seeing a Rev problem but rather a Windows OS read/write error 
due to incompatible driver settings.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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