Printing Problem

Yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Mon Feb 26 16:15:03 EST 2007

Hi list

I've a strange problem with printing in version 2.8 gm3
Previously since verison 1.1 until now, no problem
since version 2.8, it doesn't print anything !

On mac OS Tiger Rev 2.8 gm 3

here is my script

   put someVar into fld "body" of cd "toPrint" of stack "mi_print"
   put dateVar into fld "date" of cd "toPrint" of stack "mi_print"
   lock screen
   put the defaultstack into savedDefaultStack
   go inv to stack "mi_print"
   set the defaultstack to "mi_print"
   set the printScale to "1"
   set the printmargins to "18,78,72,72"
   open printing with dialog
   if the result = "cancel" then
     exit to top
   end if
   print card "toPrint"
   close printing
   close stack "mi_print"
   go to cd "Traitements" of stack "dialogues"
   unlock screen
   set the printmargins to "72,72,72,72"
   set the defaultstack to savedDefaultStack

Help needed


yvescoppe at

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