Windows failed to initialize
Joe Lewis Wilkins
pepetoo at Cox.Net
Mon Feb 26 13:39:44 EST 2007
Thanks, Derek, and I should have mentioned that I'm using the latest
Rev version, build 360.
However you're getting me into uncharted waters. I've done nothing
with the version info about the standalone, because I didn't even
know something like that could be addressed and where and how to do
it. "Resource Hacker"? What's that?
"Standalone Resources"? Again, where and how? Sorry for being such a
dimwit, but this cross platform stuff is still a bit bewildering!
Joe Wilkins
On Feb 26, 2007, at 10:10 AM, Derek Bump wrote:
> I don't know if this helps, but I also get that error message with
> my standalones, but only if I use Resource Hacker to remove the
> extra spaces in the version information of the standalone. Once
> make the changes, the standalone throws that message.
> Additionally, I noticed in the standalone resources that there is
> an item called "24" which was never there previously. It's
> contents contain:
> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
> manifestVersion="1.0"><dependency><dependentAssembly><assemblyIdentity
> type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
> version="" processorArchitecture="X86"
> publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"></assemblyIdentity></
> dependentAssembly></dependency></assembly>
> Derek Bump
> Dreamscape Software
> Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I just saved my current stack as a standalone. The Mac Version is
>> flawless. The Window's version, however, puts up a "Failed to
>> initialize" dialog almost immediately. There was a number like
>> xx00005 or something similar posted; is that number meaningful?
>> The only issues that I can think of that may have caused a problem
>> are:
>> At one point this mainstack had a substack that is no longer being
>> used. All references to it were deleted and the substack itself
>> were deleted, but I was never able to completely remove or delete
>> all "indications" of that substack from the mainstack. Apparently
>> this caused no problems in the Mac version, but I wonder if this
>> may have been the cause of confusion in the Window's standalone.
>> There are some references to the various menu buttons, either
>> enabling or disabling portions from time to time. I did not use
>> any conditionals in the scripts that checked for the platform,
>> assuming that Rev would take care of those kinds of things
>> automatically.
>> The externals, audio clips, are linked through player "paths" and
>> work fine on the Mac version, and they have ended up in a folder
>> named "Externals" on the Window's version, but did Rev handle the
>> rest of that conversion properly, or could that be my problem.
>> I guess, what I'm asking is: when this kind of thing happens, how
>> do we debug our Rev stack to fix it?
>> TIA,
>> Joe Wilkins
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