Groovy Graphical Demos

Marielle Lange mlange at
Mon Feb 26 10:55:17 EST 2007

Hi Ben,

Good collection at tactile media

Or the plugins or tutorials collection at sosmartsoftware:

Some other stacks you can download, from various members of the  
community, at:

Professional ones at:
(no direct download, you have to click on the info icon to go to the  
main websites were sometimes you find something to download).

Case studies on the runrev website:


On 26 Feb 2007, at 15:09, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm doing a bit of evangelism for Revolution (in the immediate case  
> as the platform for a project that's otherwise likely to be in  
> Flash, though this is an ongoing conversation with a particular  
> group).  I can speak knowledgeably (or at least convincingly) about  
> the programming capabilities, and can demonstrate projects that do  
> cool things.
> But I'm a programmer, with little visual sense or talent, and my  
> projects look like trash.  Are there any groovy graphic stacks/apps  
> I can demo to show what production values can be achieved in  
> Revolution by those who know what they're doing?
> If there's anything that's posted in RevOnline, or freely  
> downloadable from a website, please let me know.
> Many thanks,
> - Ben
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Marielle Lange (PhD),
Bite-size Applications for Education

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