Old bug still in Rev 2.8 OSX Chapter 4

Éric Miclo eric.miclo at wanadoo.fr
Thu Feb 22 07:50:04 EST 2007

Hello Bill,

If I dare to complain here it is not because of the bug but because  
I've already made lots of testing and that the bug is still  
considered as "unconfirmed" since the moment I did report it.

I've downloaded your stack and tryied it with a fresh installed 2.8- 
gm3 version (with or without plugings) and it works the same way than  
mine: the preOpenStack, openStack won't be sent to the stack if you  
open it by double-clicking on it in the Finder.
I t works the same on PPC and Intel Mac.

Considering that it appeared through the 2.7.x release cycle without  
changing my configuration (other thatn installing new versions of  
Rev) I believe it is really a bug.



Le 22 févr. 07 à 00:05, Bill Marriott a écrit :

> Before we complain about things not being fixed, let's try to  
> figure out
> what the real bug is.
> The sample stack (virtually identical to JLG's script) works fine  
> on every
> system available to me. It might be the case that you have messages  
> locked,
> or some other setting which is causing this.
> Please try using my sample stack with a fresh installation of Rev  
> 2.8 gm-3
> (i.e., installed to a new directory) and report on the specifics.
> "Éric Miclo" <eric.miclo at wanadoo.fr> wrote in
> message news:94A21B5A-21DC-41B3-BCF8-037BD104D30F at wanadoo.fr...
> Hello,
> I made also some test a while ago about that bug.
> I was told that the bug would be resolved in the next version of
> Revolution... but it wasn't as for lots of old bugs (version 2.8 and
> now 2.9 sounds promising but honestly I will believe it when I'll see
> it).
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