Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Wed Feb 21 16:13:29 EST 2007

Marielle Lange wrote:

"On a Mac, you can get all these machines info via a
call on the shell.

Fold older mac version, use Ken's code:

For newest OS, the call on the shell is:
system_profiler SPNetworkDataType|grep -e "MAC
Address:"|awk '{print  

(replace "MAC Address" with the information you are
after... see:  
possible tag names)."

Thanks Marielle . . . however that is not quite the

It would be rather good if there were bits of code as
presently advertised in the 4.6.2 upgrade to Supercard
present in RR so that (for instance) one could deploy
a stack that would play different standards of
videoClip depending on information retrieved at
startUp about the end-user's computer.

I went and took a look in RR's documentation and found
'machine' and read the following:

"Returns the type of hardware the application is
running on"

so knocked up a stack with a Button and a Field,

the Button contained the following script:

on mouseUp
  put the machine into fld "fGUFF"
end mouseUp

("fGUFF" being the name of my field)

and what happened was that "unknown" was put
into fld "fGUFF", when my computer type is far from
unknown (even if Klaus Major has to remind me that
I know already).

And, "unknown" is not helpful at all.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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