Old bug still in Rev 2.8 OSX Chapter 4

Marielle Lange mlange at widged.com
Wed Feb 21 11:58:14 EST 2007

Hi Bill,

I didn't know of Joe's problem at the time. On the forum, Mark kindly  
pointed to <http://quality.runrev.com/qacenter/show_bug.cgi?id=3816 >

Well, I have tried to post a comment on the quality center but  
couldn't because I got this message: "You tried to change the  
Hardware field from Macintosh to All , but only the assignee or  
reporter of the report, or a sufficiently empowered user may change  
that field." and was unable to post. Using reply rather than comment  
gets the same result. ". So I couldn't post on the quality center.

The comment was:

"As the report is still marked as unconfirmed, let's signal I  
observed the same here.

On a mac OSX, intel, rev 2.7.4, when I drag and drop a stack file on  
the Rev application icon, which will open up revolution and then open  
up the stack, everything that takes place within the openstack  
handler doesn't execute. Tried writing to the message box, writing to  
a log file, etc.

Everything works fine when revolution is already open and I open the  
stack file via drag and drop or the menu. But commands within the  
openstack handler are not fired when the stack is being open within a  
launching revApp."

This is 100% systematic, both when I drag the file onto the  
application icon and when I double click on the file icon.

Can it be related to the speed of the computer?


> As others have explained previously, the "startup" message is designed
> specifically for standalones and is not sent to stacks running  
> under the IDE
> no matter how they are launched. This is behaving exactly as  
> documented.
> I have made a sample stack to test your assertion:
> http://wjm.org/linked/messagetester.rev
> It properly triggers the preOpenStack, openStack, preOpenCard and  
> openCard
> handlers whether opened from within Rev or double-clicking the  
> stack from
> the Mac OS X Finder.
> MacBook Core2Duo 2GHz, Mac OS X 10.4.8, Revolution 2.8 Build 350.
> - Bill
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Marielle Lange (PhD),  http://widged.com
Bite-size Applications for Education

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