let me know of nice professional stack you have produced

Marielle Lange mlange at widged.com
Mon Feb 19 11:09:11 EST 2007

> [was something along the line of "get your professional stacks  
> mentioned on the case studies gallery <http://revolution.widged.com/ 
> stacks/case_studies.php>]

Got 913 visitors on my widged server yesterday and 989 today, the  
counter is still ticking (it's 4pm in the UK and most of my traffic  
comes after 4pm).

Anybody keen on free advertisement of their revolution-related  
professional work is invited to  send me a screenshot of their stack  
as well as some 2-3 paragraphs description of what the stack is  
about. :-D

I will then publish this information here:


Marielle Lange (PhD),  http://widged.com
Bite-size Applications for Education

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