OT: Quicktime and which codec ist best supported?

Richard Miller wow at together.net
Sun Feb 18 12:14:31 EST 2007


The best Quicktime-compatible codec we've found is 3ivx. Best  
compression yielding the best graphics. It's at 3ivx.com, for both  
Windows and Mac. It's used commercially, for example, in the Pure  
Digital Point & Shoot video cameras (which are rather amazing little  
camcorders). Yes, your customers will have to download and install  
it, but that's an easy practice. We've integrated their installer  
into our own Rev installer program to make it even easier for the  

AVI'S work fine in the default Rev player object.

Best regards,
Richard Miller
Imprinter Technologies

On Feb 18, 2007, at 6:37 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am new to Revolution and Quicktime-Video. I have read the  
> archives, but
> still unsure about the right way for video. I produce offline content,
> distributed on CD / DVD-ROM
> 1. With Revolution build-in player I can only play .mov - right?
> 2. As mov is only a container format I know that I can use  
> different codecs
> with mov. Best results when testing produced the Sorenson 3 codec.  
> I tested
> also with SorensonTM ( little less), Apple MPEG 4 (almost as good),  
> Apple
> Cinepac (bad quality) and Apple Planar (best quality but incredible  
> giant
> file size).
> My question is, which codec comes with Quicktime installer, or what  
> codec
> can I assume on customer machine?
> 4. Are there differences of quicktime installation between Apple and
> Windows, beside quicktime on apple is preinstalled?
> 5. If e.g. the Sorenson codec doesn't come with Quicktime, can I  
> install the
> Sorenson codec additional to quicktime on customer machine and  
> quicktime
> will grab it, if I encoded my mov with Sorenson?
> 6. I encoded movs on one of my machines and playing on the other  
> machine
> showed only "LSD-like colored blur", though on both machines  
> quicktime 7.1.3
> (Windows) is installed. So there are obvious more factors, as  
> quicktime
> version and codec to harmonize - what?
> 7. Which codec is the best approach with best quality and best  
> compatibility
> when using mov?
> 8. As I have read on Apples quicktime site, I need an agreement  
> from Apple
> to distribute the player with my application and have to put their  
> logo on
> my product. Do you have any experiences with that procedure and  
> restriction?
> 9. Did anyone tried to play avi or swf in revolution. I am not yet  
> so far to
> use a shell execute, but I could think that could be an approach.  
> But I
> don't know, if you have the chance to use controls / methods with a  
> called
> exe, so that I can control an external player from within  
> revolution (stop,
> pause,play,step, get mediastatus,.)
> Lots of questions, I hope not too much
> Thanks for any experience sharing
> Tiemo
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