Writing messages to the Command Line (stdout)

Derek Bump list at dreamscapesoftware.com
Fri Feb 16 10:31:58 EST 2007

Luis wrote:
> Is it strictly necessary to have shell access for this? I'm thinking in 
> terms of 95 and 98 compatibility, which I'll admit I'm not that familiar 
> with as concerns RunRev.
> Maybe you could get away with emulating it through a window that happens 
> to look like a shell terminal...
> If you _need_ input you could 'emulate' a DOS-GUI (remember those...!) 
> and have point and click access instead of concerning yourself with 
> parsing the text.

Well, yes, it is necessary.  I'm adding command line access to some of 
my program's feature-set because I had paying customers request it. 
Faking the output could do more harm than good.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software

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