
Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.soto at wanadoo.fr
Wed Feb 14 12:07:20 EST 2007

  ... I have a problem.
  There is a difference between  a file when I see it in the Variable  
Watcher before it was save and the file on the hard disk (there is an  
empty line between two line).
So I write this when the file was saved ...

   put homepath&"/debugtable1" into nomFich

   open file nomFich for write
   write file_to_write to file nomFich
   close file nomFich

   open file nomFich for read
   read from file nomFich until EOF
   close file nomFich

   if it is not file_to_write then breakPoint

... then Revolution make a break.

I don't understand. It 's  magic spell ? Abracadabra ...

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