Richmond's Yahoo-Groups and related guff.

Marielle Lange mlange at
Wed Feb 14 05:53:44 EST 2007

> I was, at that time, exploring a number of other
> possibilities, and was promised all sorts of 'super'
> things, all of which either failed to manifest
> themselves, or turned out to be red-herrings.


Can you make me a service? Keep away from false accusations. I am not  
in the habit of making promises I have no intention to honor. When I  
make promises, I am stupid enough to honor my part of the deal  
however badly the other person decides to cheat me or screw me up. If  
I make a promise that depends on a third party keeping his part of  
the deal, I am stupid enough to honor my promises even if that third  
party let me down. I am not aware I made you promises I didn't honor.  
If it is the case, please, let me know what they are, I will do my  
best to correct this.

I react to this not in the context of Richmond, but in the context of  
my recent email on the education list.

A lot of work is being done. Mostly off-list. The approach I take is  
to be ready to waste my own time on a bet but to avoid to involve  
other users or encourage them to participate when I fear that there  
will be a high chance to get them waste their time.

The reason you don't hear of it is for the reason Richmond mention.  
There is no point getting persons to expect too much if this is not  
to be followed by anything concrete.

There is something very concrete in the coming. This has been delayed  
by a week because I have spent far too much time last week on a wrong  
bet and at the same time, I had some health issues I needed to take  
care of. It should be announced hopefully by the end of this week.


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