Error in external

John Craig jc at
Tue Feb 13 11:05:41 EST 2007

Thanks for the replies, T & J.  I'll be on a windows machine later 
today, so I'll check it out - I can also post the code.


J. Landman Gay wrote:
> John Craig wrote:
>> I wrote a small external a while back after Mark Waddington's 
>> newsletter article.  The external seems to work fine most of the 
>> time, but every once in a while throws an error.
>> The variable watcher tells me that the temp vars that were set prior 
>> to calling the external function have mysteriously emptied.  Has 
>> anyone else experienced anything similar with externals?
>> (WindowsXP, Rev. 2.7.4 , VC++ )
> Tech support received a report last week that the article in the 
> newsletter had reversed two parameters in external.c. Two functions 
> have their first two parameters interchanged (p_name and p_group).
> This was verified last week and a correction is supposed to be made to 
> the article. But in the mean time, if you are using either of those 
> two functions, the error may be due to that reason.

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