Adding a scrolling field to a stack of cards

Mark Swindell mdswindell at
Tue Feb 13 00:29:15 EST 2007

On Feb 12, 2007, at 8:16 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> 1.  Create an object
> 2.  With that object selected, choose "Group" from the menu or ToolBar
> 3.  Open the object's Property Inspector
> 4.  Check the "Behave as Background" checkbox or set the  
> backgroundBehavior to true
> 5.  Go to each card and choose "Place Group" from the Object Menu

To each existing card.  The field will appear automatically on cards  
created after the group with background behavior is established.

> OR, with a large number of cards, write a script to accomplish the  
> above actions.
> Joe Wilkins

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