Externals Under 2.7.x

Dave dave at looktowindward.com
Fri Feb 9 07:24:44 EST 2007

Hi All,

I am trying to make an External work under I downloaded  
and used the "External Creator V1.rev" from the  
"ExternalsEnvironmentV2" article. At the moment I just have one  
simple function that just passes back a value to the calling stack.  
However I get an execution error when I run the Script. I've check  
that "the externals" is set correctly and the XCode project builds ok  
and I get an X86-32 bundle file ok.

I am using a Mac Pro and Runner Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8. I only need to  
produce an external for Intel based Macs at the moment.

Does anyone know if there's some kind of magic I have to perform to  
make this work? If anyone has a sample Intel/Mac External they have  
build that I could test to see if it works that would be great. Or if  
someone could send me a sample XCode project that would be good too!

A couple of specific questions:

1.  Does the name in the EXTERNAL_BEGIN_DECLARATIONS need to be all  

2.  Does the name in the EXTERNAL_DECLARE_FUNCTION need to be all  

I have appended the C Code from the XCode project at the end of this  

Thanks in Advance for any help,
All the Best

//**	Revolution external definition file for 'TestFPA2'

#include	<revolution/external.h>

#include	"fpacore2.h"

//**	User Definitions
void crsFPAGetVersion(	char*		theArgumentArrayPtr[],
						int			theArgumentCount,
						char**		theResultPtrPtr,
						Bool*		thePassFlagPtr,
						Bool*		theErrorFlagPtr);

//**	External Declarations



//**	crsFPAGetVersion
void crsFPAGetVersion(	char*		theArgumentArrayPtr[],
						int			theArgumentCount,
						char**		theResultPtrPtr,
						Bool*		thePassFlagPtr,
						Bool*		theErrorFlagPtr)
TFPAui32	myFPAVersionNumber;
char		myVersionStringBuffer[32];
long		myVersionStringSize;
char*		myVersionStringBufferPtr;

//**	Check the Number of Arguments
if(theArgumentCount != 0)
	*theResultPtrPtr = strdup("crsFPAGetVersion - Incorrect Argument  
	*theErrorFlagPtr = True;
	*thePassFlagPtr = False;

//**	Get the Version Number
myFPAVersionNumber = fpaCoreGetVersion();

//**	Allocate a Buffer for the String
myVersionStringSize = strlen(&myVersionStringBuffer[0]) + 1;
myVersionStringBufferPtr = (char*)malloc(myVersionStringSize);
if(myVersionStringBufferPtr == NULL)
	*theResultPtrPtr = strdup("crsFPAGetVersion - Memory Allocation  
	*theErrorFlagPtr = True;
	*thePassFlagPtr = False;

//**	Copy the Version String into the Allocated Buffer
*theErrorFlagPtr = False;
*thePassFlagPtr = False;

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