Engelbart and Kay --was: Back to the Future with Hypercard
j downs
downs.david.j at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 20:59:53 EST 2007
> You can buy a lot of library books for the price of a computer lab.
My rural, moderately low SES (approx. 30% Free and Reduced Lunch)
elementary school has a full-loaded computer lab and *ten* technology-
focused regular third and fourth grade classrooms (each equipped with
16 desktop computers, an interactive SMARTboard, scanners, printers,
high-quality Internet video-conferencing unit, etc). Computers are
replaced with brand new machines on a three or four year rotation.
Including the lab, that's 185 machines just begging to have software
installed on them in *one* grades 2-5 school serving just under 400
students. A ratio of nearly 1 computer to every 2 children, not
counting teacher workstations and the networked mini-labs of two to
four slightly older machines in each of the non-technology classrooms.
Plenty of other schools have similar setups. Considering the number
of children in schools, the potential sales become mind-boggling
pretty darn quickly.
Besides, who needs books when you have the Internet? ;-P
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