ANN: Hinduism Today Digital Edition Upgrade

Sivakatirswami katir at
Fri Dec 21 14:46:37 EST 2007

Thanks to the hard work of Andre Garzia we are able to present an 
upgrade to the Hinduism Today Digital Edition. Go here to subscribe.

If you have already subscribed, just boot up and you will be prompted to 

Those of you familiar with this app know that it is a simple, client 
side, PDF content manager. But, with the latest upgrade, Andre has built 
a pretty nifty media content viewer.   All I did was work with the 
presentation layer... he did the rest.

Though Andre likes to tell me he feels like a child when he looks at the 
code of the Rev Giants like Ken Ray and Richard Gaskin and all the 
"Elder Wizards of xTalk" I think he did a really good job on this.

Download and install, and then click on the button "View Multimedia" 

Thanks to Ken Ray for his xml lib, to Chipp and Chris at Altuit for 
RevBrowser and altSplash and Revolution team in Scotland and to this 
whole community for being such a great support group.

Frankly I was a bit worried that to overcome the problems with the Rev 
Player object playing remote URLs that switching to Revbrowser was going 
to add more complexity to the whole framework and not necessarily get us 
anything but more problems: I was wrong!

We are getting reports now from people in Adelaide Australia and Mumbai 
in India where they are able to stream media in our media viewer from 
the web server in San Franscisco (and we are not using QT streaming... 
just Fast Start Headers)  through the Rev browser window on the craziest 
of connections (wireless in Adelaide coming in on DSL to the house and 
then from a wireless transpoder to the laptop anywhere in the house) and 
also on a cellular modem in Mumbai.

Of course I'm sure that the  UI could use a lot of improvement, I'm not 
a professional...but the bottom line on the technology is: Revolution + 
libURL + Rev Browser  + Rev CGI talking to PostGreSql on a linux 
Webserver  is a rock solid framework. I am sooooo happy!

Lord Ganesha could not have given me a better Winter Solstice Holiday 
gift than what Andre has delivered.

Please feel free to send any thoughts you have for improvements etc to 
both of us, all constructive insights welcome!

Happy Solstice at this auspicious time when Sun moves from Dakshinayne 
to Uttarayane (goes north) today...

Cheers from Kauai


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