Looking for inspiration
Beynon, Rob
R.Beynon at liverpool.ac.uk
Wed Dec 19 11:29:48 EST 2007
I'm writing tools that bash their way through thousands of lines of input text, and do some processing.
I'd like to have a progress indicator displayed (and indeed, live the tm dials, in particular, that I just got for Xmas!).
But, how does one write a routine to indicate progress without imposing a penalty at each iteration? If I include the "line":
Display the progress bar for number of lines processed/ total number of lines
Than this has as many iterations as lines.
I guess, if there has to be something in the main loop it should be fast, and then send a message to an externally progress display routine?
Is there a sneaky/subtle way around this?
Thoughts appreciated
Prof R J Beynon
Proteomics and Functional Genomics Group
Faculty of Veterinary Science
University of Liverpool
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ
Phone: +44 151 794 4312
Fax: +44 151 794 4243
Email: r.beynon at liv.ac.uk
This email was sent on 12/19/07 at 4:33 PM by Rob Beynon.
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