(no subject)

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 20:26:23 EST 2007

On Dec 11, 2007 6:32 AM, Randall Lee Reetz <randall at randallreetz.com> wrote:

> Struggling with AppleScript.

Aren't we all;-) (once you've got use to xTalk)

First we'll start with the last problem

Also, before my
> reboot this morning, my computer wouldn't open folders from the Doc
> Bar.  What could these problems be caused by?  Any ideas?

First, try using Disk Utility to 'Repair Permissions'. If that doesn't help,
drag the current Icon of the folder off the Dock and then Drag the required
folder back onto the Dock.

> Also, and I have no idea if this is related, copy and paste is not
> working (on my 1GHz PowerBook PowerPC G4 10.4.11).

Depends on what your referring to. If you are talking about keyboard
shortcuts in Rev IDE, or using AppleScript (and I believe the Windows
equivalent or other programs like perl) to copy data to the clipboard and
then use Rev to manipulate it, unfortunately there is a long history of this
being a 'intermittent' hard to reproduce problem. Although for keyboard
shortcuts the usual response is use the menu items, as these reliably work

> All I want to do is run a script that opens a finder folder from a
> path (i.e . Macintosh HD:Users:MeUser:Desktop:myFolder:).
> Well, this morning it works (after a reboot).  Last night it
> wouldn't.  Same exact script... from Script Editor and from SuperCard
> (oops).

Your AppleScript should look something like this:
--3 lines, watch line wraps

tell application "Finder"
   open folder "Macintosh HD:Users:MeUser:Desktop:myFolder"
end tell

Your Rev script should look like this:
--a do statement is single line so you'll need to unwrap this
--the tricky bit is quotes and spaces in the right place

do "tell application " & quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & "open folder " &
quote & "Macintosh HD:Users:MeUser:Desktop:myFolder" & quote & cr & "end
tell" as applescript

If the idea is that you want your program to open the actual folder so a
user knows where they are, the above approach is OK, if on the other hand
you simply want to open the folder to determine what the contents are, or to
be able to save files into it, there are quicker and easier ways in Rev to
do that.


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