The Beta 2.9 question again.

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at
Fri Aug 31 05:09:15 EDT 2007

Joking apart, there is a very serious question about this for Linux users. I 
mean, those of us on Linux exclusively, not those who have the Linux version 
incidentally as part of the Enterprise package.   

2.6.1 was great in its day, but the alternatives have moved on a lot in two 
years.  As indeed have the Mac and Windows versions of Rev apparently.  

You cannot have this sort of interval between updates and be a serious 
contender in the Linux market. Its not RealBasic, either, that's the problem.  
Its stuff like wxDesigner, pysqlite, its the detailed documentation - Lutz,  
Hetland and so on.  The programming editors with Python support modes, from 
Eclipse on down.

If the last time you looked seriously at this stuff is a few years ago, you 
have no idea what the Linux market is like now and what is on offer from the 

I'm greatly hoping for the 2.9 Beta as well, but as the months go by, 
increasingly worrying that when it eventually arrives it may be too little 
too late.

Hoping greatly to be proved wrong on both counts, preferably next week!


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