Saving stack and Chinese

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri Aug 17 08:10:45 EDT 2007

Hi Fritz,

Thanks for trying. Have you also tried saving the stack and clicking  
around a bit to change the focus repeately from and to the field that  
contains the characters? If you have and still didn't see a problem,  
I'll send you my stack -- which doesn't contain anything special afaik.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 17-aug-2007, om 14:01 heeft Friedrich F. Grohmann het volgende  

> I'm on a Mac with OS 10.4.10, Rev 2.8.1. Made a new stack with one  
> text field (no specific settings) and then put Chinese via the  
> message box using
> set the unicodeText of fld 1 to "[Chinese unicode characters]"
> Tried it with Chinese text of different length, including three  
> characters. No problem here, except that the Chinese in the message  
> box turns into garbage after I hit the return key.
> If it's a small stack you might send it to me so that I can have a  
> look at what "doesn't look right."
> All the best,
> Fritz

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