debugger won't engage

john at john at
Mon Aug 13 23:06:28 EDT 2007

Dear Mike,

If the the place where you have the debug checkpoint is inside an "if" or "switch" statement it may not be executed, that way the point is not triggered? It may be worth putting the breakpoint on the first or second line of the script?


>On 8/13/07, Mikey <mikeythek at> wrote:
>> I have a script for a particular object (on mouseMove) with a debug
>> checkpoint set in it at the top of the handler. However, the debugger
>> never kicks in (but the script runs). I have tried clearing and
>> setting it, but it never kicks in. I have set a checkpoint in another
>> script, and the debugger always kicks in.
>> What should I be looking for when trying to determine why the debugger
>> won't kick at the top of one handler but will for another? Again, the
>> script executes, but the debugger never appears.
>> --
>> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
>> On the second day, God created the oceans.
>> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>> and did a little diving.
>> And God said, "This is good."
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