drawer question

Mark Swindell mdswindell at cruzio.com
Sun Aug 12 13:08:29 EDT 2007

Thanks Wilhelm and Scott.  I've recrafted the effect I want using  
revChangeWindowSize, and it works nicely.  I've never liked drawers  
very much, to tell the truth, but for this one application the idea  
of them is right. I think it is better implemented with the built-in  
routines, though, and now I don't have to monkey with anything for  
the Windows version.

I looked at your stack yesterday after coming across it in Gmane,  
Wilhelm.  Nice work.  I've saved the stack for future reference.


On Aug 12, 2007, at 9:08 AM, Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 11, 2007, Scott Morrow scott at elementarysoftware.com  
> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> I feel your pain... drawers can be a frustration. Did I mention  
>> that  they stopped working below OSX 10.4  after rev 2.6.1    :  )
>> Several experienced folks on this list suggest that in many cases  
>> it  might be wiser to resize the window (see: revChangeWindowSize)  
>> with  some graphics added in order to simulate a drawer.  (This  
>> works quite  well as long as the drawer is on the bottom or the  
>> right.)
>> -Scott
> Those interested in creating their own drawer routines - without  
> using the drawer commands - might have a look at my drawer stack  
> from 2003
> <http://www.sanke.org/Software/Drawers.zip>.
> It contains both such resize routines which Scott recommends in his  
> post qoted above and the sliding out of substacks from any point  
> and any side of a mainstack - even in diagonal directions.
> All these routines can be used also with older versions of Metacard  
> and Revolution from before the introduction of the drawer commands.
> Regards,
> Wilhelm Sanke
> <http://www.sanke.org/MetMedia>
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