Resolved--> Re: Bug prevents Rev from building a standalone PC application

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Aug 12 12:15:26 EDT 2007

Arthur Rann wrote:

> Of course, I tried removing this, that, and the other, until I was
> left with a single card, with no scripts, no custom properties, nada.
> At that point, it was exactly the same as a blank, empty project.
> Except the name.
> The name was set to 'test.rev', which is the correct name of the
> stack. On a whim, I changed it to get rid of the '.rev' at the end, in
> the stack properties. I saved it, and it 'stuck'. I built, and wow--it
> builds!

Okay, that makes some sense to me. You can refer to a stack in a script 
by either its short name (the one in stack properties) or by its file 
path. Apparently the engine assumes that a stack name with an extension 
is a file path on disk. I can see how this might mess up the standalone 
builder, which probably always assumes that the short name is never a 
disk-based reference.

Stack names in the property inspector should never include an extension, 
I suspect.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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