sqlite and update
Henk van der Velden
henk at iglow-media.nl
Mon Aug 6 13:24:24 EDT 2007
Hi Ralle,
Next to Christian's reply, consider using an array.
Your input should read like this:
put fld "name" into data[1]
put fld "vorname" into data[2]
That way you don't need the long list of variables at the end of your
And there's a typo you may have missed: ::16
On Aug 6, 2007, at 19:00 , use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com
> put field "Name" into tName
> put field "Vorname" into tVorname
> put field "Strasse" into tStrasse
> local tSQL
> put "UPDATE Schueler (Name, Vorname, Strasse, Hausnr, PLZ, Ort,
> Gebdatum,
> Tel1, Tel2, Tel3, Geschl, Konf, Staatsang, Klasse, Nachname2,
> Nachname3,
> Email) Values ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, :
> 13, :14,
> :15: :16, :17)" , "tName", "tVorname", "tStrasse", "tHausnr", "tPLZ",
> "tOrt", "tGebdatum", "tTel2", "tTel2", "tTel3", "tGeschl", "tKonf",
> "tStaatsang", "tKlasse", "tName2", "tName3", "tEmail" into tSQL
> revExecuteSQL gConID, tSQL
> put the result into tResult
> dont work, get an error near "(" syntax error
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