Text Inspector Needed

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Fri Aug 3 19:57:49 EDT 2007

I believe I've requested this already for a future upgrade to 
Revolution, but I was wondering if anyone has
already developed a Text Inspector widget.

I find that when designing UI  the text tool interface in Rev can  be 
A text tools palette would be marvelous, horizontal ribbon style like in 
or whatever: one wants to be able to see the

* current font in use in the object
* default font
* font of selected text (since it may be different from what is in the field
* line height setting
* Text margins (dimmed if it is not a field)
* current font size
* click to view and edit field contents if locked.
* lock - unlock text field
* text color....

etc.  all in one place,

does anyone have such a widget already built?


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