Reading Dos text (Cp850, Cp437, Cp1252)

Mark Smith mark at
Fri Aug 3 04:28:49 EDT 2007

On a little more reading, it looks like it would be necessary to  
translate the various code pages to unicode points if it's wanted to  
fully support all the different pages. The box drawing chars  
translate to the unicode araea starting at 0x2500....



On 3 Aug 2007, at 08:51, Mark Smith wrote:

> One way would be to simply (and rather painstakingly!) build arrays  
> (storable as customPropertySets) as look-ups for each code page,  
> such that you could then do:
> repeat for each char c in someText
>   put codePage850[charToNum(c)] after someTranslatedText
> end repeat

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