Find Command

RG Teeter rteeter at
Thu Aug 2 23:08:40 EDT 2007

Dave was right, line 2 had a return in it. line 5 did not.

I discovered this 20 minutes after I went to bed, got up and lo and  
it now works.

Another difference between HC and RM.

Many thanks.


Begin forwarded message:

> Friends, I have recently upgraded from HyperCard to Revolution Media.
> I am recreating some hypercard stacks.
> I am having a problem with "find"
> The handler below:
>    on mouseUp
> 1     select the clickline
> 2     put the selectedtext into wordToFind
> 3     find string wordToFind in field "TestFld2"
> 4     put wordToFind & the result
> 5     find string "Cafe (das)" in field "TestFld2"
>   end mouseUp
> line 5 works as expected.
> line 3 returns "Not Found"
> Why?

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