save data in custom properties in a stack- or a text file?

Mark Smith mark at
Wed Aug 1 19:36:14 EDT 2007

One other consideration is how the data is to be used. Even though  
the data maybe simple, if you were going to load it into an array in  
your app, then saving it as a customPopertySet in a stack file might  
be easier.

from a text file to an array goes from
put URL "file:someFile.txt"  into tArray
split tArray by cr and "="
put the customProperties["data"] of stack whatever into tArray

Otherwise, and obviously if human-readability is an issue, I'd use a  
text file.



On 2 Aug 2007, at 00:09, Josh Mellicker wrote:

> I know stacks are a nice way to save a lot of data because it can  
> be organized by custom property and custom property set.
> But what about a simple list of data consisting of name, URL, and a  
> couple other fields, that needs to be downloaded from a server-  
> would you save the data in:
> A. a stack in custom properties?
> B. Or a text file?
> The information in this case will never get more complicated,  
> though is remotely possible a data field or two might be added in  
> the future. But the data will never evolve to be complex, it will  
> always merely be a list of files.
> Here is my comparison:
> writing to/reading from: code must be written for both, text file a  
> little easier
> entering/reading data manually: text file way easier
> encrypting: a tie
> adding data "fields": a tie, easy in either (you must think ahead)
> possible data corruption: a tie
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