How do I get the object under the mouse when mouseRelease?

Bill Marriott wjm at
Mon Apr 30 20:30:21 EDT 2007


It's not quite impossible.

If you turn on the message watcher, you will see that when you 
drag-and-release, the following messages are sent in quick succession:

- mouseRelease to the original object
- mouseMove to the new object
- mouseLeave to the original object
- mouseEnter to the new object

Because this order is always the same, you could check for this pattern and 
respond to it.

> > > I want to realize my own drag and drop handlers with mouseDown,
> > > mouseRelease, etc. On mouseDown I get the underneath lying object with
> > > mousecontrol. How do I get the name of an object (image) under the 
> > > mouse
> > > when releasing it [...]?

> > Sorry, Tiemo... for right now that's the best we've got (AFAIK). I've
> > lobbied for the mouseControl to not be tied to the original object on
> > mouseDown, but sadly that hasn't happened yet...

> Wow, that's a pitty, I was sure there must be a pretty easy solution, but 
> if
> even Ken doesn't has it ;-(

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