Non-Motif Linux Interface? - SOLVED!

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Apr 27 01:04:02 EDT 2007

On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 15:22:32 -0400, Bill Marriott wrote:

> - I'm using Ubuntu Edgy Eft, 6.10, under Parallels if that matters.

It doesn't; I've done my testing in both Parallels and on its own PC - 
same results.
> - I made the recommended changes to the file in my 
> Revolution-2.6.1 folder. I didn't notice any changes/effects; Rev 
> still shows the 80s-style Motif UI.

I'll bet you're launching the main Rev app and not the 
file... see below...
> - My Revolution folder is on the desktop. I downloaded the tar.gz 
> file there and simply extracted. I double-click revolution.x86 to run 
> it.
> - I would put it into /opt, if that's where it's supposed to be, but 
> Ubuntu tells me I don't have permission to do that. It's owned by 
> "root." What's the proper place to put applications, anyway?

Good question - I have mine installed in Home, for the same reason; the 
.sh file provides the following lines:

# Needed to make symlinks/shortcuts work.
cd "/opt/Revolution-2.6.1"
"$runrev" $* >& /dev/null

This means that when the '' file is 2x-clicked (or clicked 
once, depending on your setup) it will try to run Rev from the 
/opt/Revolution-2.6.1 directory. If you don't have your install there 
(as I don't), it will not do anything when you click on the 
'' file. However if you just launch the Rev app itself 
(revolution.x86), it won't have anything to tell it to use the GDK. 

So you'll need to change the "cd" to the path where your Rev app is (I 
changed mine to "/home/Revolution-2.6.1"). Then when you launch the 
"" shell file, it will run Rev, and you should see the 
proper theme...

... AS LONG AS you actually HAVE the three files mentioned in the .sh 
file in your /usr/lib folder. So what I do is launch the Terminal app, 
and do this:

  cd /usr/lib
  ls -l libgd*

And look for the entry "". Then look for libgtk and 
libjobject the same way (different filter of course). Or you could just 
"ls -l" and scroll your way through to verify.

HTH (and a tip on this is coming...),

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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