Cleaning up stack URLs

Mark Smith mark at
Tue Apr 24 14:46:05 EDT 2007

I think UrlEncode is exactly what you're after, isn't it?

from the docs:

Returns a string that has been transformed so that it can be posted  
to an HTTP server as a URL.



On 24 Apr 2007, at 19:18, Devin Asay wrote:

> I'm working on a stack that launches stacks from the web with 'go  
> stack URL'.
> I know there are certain characters that are illegal or unsafe in  
> URL strings. (See These include  
> space, quote and a number of others. Most web browsers  
> automatically escape these characters for you, so, e.g., a space is  
> converted to '%20' before the browser sends the request to the server.
> I'm about to start writing a function that checks a potential stack  
> URL for illegal and unsafe characters and converts them to escape  
> sequences, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if such a thing  
> already exists.
> Am I right that there is no equivalent functionality built into  
> Rev? I know about URLEncode(), of course, but that serves a  
> different purpose--formatting strings for POSTing, rather than  
> formatting strings for retrieving files from a server (a GET  
> request?) Am I understanding this correctly?
> A related issue is, are there characters that are disallowed as  
> filenames for rev stackfiles? I can't find any such list anywhere.  
> I suppose this would be determined by the host OS?
> Thanks.
> Devin
> Devin Asay
> Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
> Brigham Young University
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