line endings on OS X

Mark Smith mark at
Tue Apr 24 11:25:45 EDT 2007

Bernard, I do agree that it might be more fully documented, though  
once you've figured it out it's not exactly a burden.

"write to file" does the same thing as URL "file:", so you can do  
"open file somefile for binary write", just as you can do URL "binfile:"



On 24 Apr 2007, at 10:55, Bernard Devlin wrote:

> Hi Mark, thanks for the speedy response.  I guessed that something  
> like that was going on.  However, it certainly should be documented  
> more clearly.  The documentation for the "file" keyword does not  
> mention this at all.
> Furthermore, what I find strange is that putting any of these  
> characters as a line-ending produced the strange ^M when viewed  
> using vi:
> return
> numToChar(10)
> numToChar(13)
> It is really weird that one has to use binfile to write a text  
> file.  Also, I had the same problem using "write to file".  So, it  
> looks like it is more widespread than just using the "file:" url  
> schema.
> But thank you for at least confirming that I'm not losing my sanity  
> (or at least confirming that this episode is not, in itself,  
> evidence of that!)  Still, I won't get back those hours lost on  
> something as trivial as this.
> Bernard
>> Bernard, in Rev itself, numToChar(10) is used for line endings
>> (showing its Unix origins), but if written to a file on a Mac, using
>> URL "file:", they're translated to numToChar(13). If using URL
>> "binfile:", no translation happens, so numToChar(10) is preserved.
>> I think what you're seeing is a difference between OS X and it's Unix
>> underpinnings - vi is a Unix utility, so expects NumToChar(10), but
>> the mac OS uses numToChar(13).
>> I guess the solution is to use the "binfile:' scheme. I have
>> certainly found this to be necessary when writing cgi scripts in Rev.
>> Best,
>> Mark
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