mysterious set the clipboardData

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri Apr 20 17:12:36 EDT 2007

Hi Tiemo,

The clipboarddata["image"] should contain valid picture data only, in  
PNG, TIF, JPG, GIF or another format. This should work?

export image "b1" to myImage as PNG
set the clipbaorddata["image"] to myImage

Now you should be able to paste it in a graphics programme. Ken's  
method works too, but you always get the original format of the image  
and can't control it yourself.




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Op 20-apr-2007, om 17:35 heeft Tiemo Hollmann TB het volgende  

> Hello,
> thought, it would be very simple, now I get a mysterious result. I  
> have an
> image with an assigned filename (png file).
> If I use: set the clipboardData["image"] to image "b1"
> and paste it into any graphic program, it gives me a totally black  
> image of
> small size (128x32px) and not the copied image. At least there is  
> any kind
> of "communication", because the pasted image has the same dpi, as  
> the source
> image
> I am puzzled, because I don't find any other parameters.
> Has anyone experienced this phenomenon too? Or is it just a wrong  
> usage?
> Thank for any tip
> Tiemo (WinXP, 2.8.0)

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