Linux installation

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at
Sat Apr 7 04:34:46 EDT 2007

The only part of this I'm certain of is the desktop icon/link

In terms of icons on desktops, it is not the window manager that counts.  If 
you put the application into /opt and put an link and associated icon 
into /home/user/Desktop, in whatever WM they are using, if it supports icons 
on desktops, it will end up there and either single or double clicking it 
will start the app.  Now you will probably wonder how to do that exactly from 
a rev installer....don't know!

File associations - a way in may be to google on "shebang" for links to this.  

In terms of the menus, still  less certain here, you only need to put the link 
into one WM (Gnome lets say) and the rest pick it up from there.  The thing 
to find out about is /etc/xdg/menus.  I believe you need to put entries 
someplace in there, but don't know the details.

Hope this is a start


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