Loading Enterprise on a PC...

Jim Carwardine JimCarwardine at OwnYourFuture-net.com
Tue Apr 3 16:40:24 EDT 2007

Hi Folks... I just downloaded Enterprise to my PC Parallels window.  Then I
copied a stack to the Parallels Shared folder.  When I try and open it on
the PC side, I can see the stack sitting in the shared folder, but I can't
double click it and open it in Rev.  I can't see it if I choose File/Open
from inside Rev... Is there something I've missed?  Jim

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Own Your Future Consulting,
23 Shoal Cove Road, Seabright, Nova Scotia, Canada.  B3Z 3A9
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

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