Rotate/Set angle

Mark Smith mark at
Mon Apr 2 06:02:37 EDT 2007

Hi, is anyone else finding that the 'rotate' command is even more  
broken than it used to be?

If I <import snapshot from fld "aField">, and then <rotate img "tImg"  
by 45>, not only does it now have jagged black lines all around it,  
but the size of it's rect increases with each rotation. If I <set the  
angle of img "tImg" to 45>, the jagged black border still appears,  
but at least the rect doesn't get bigger each time.

This is on Mac OS 10.4.8, Revolution Studio 2.8.0 build 370.

There seem to be various bugs at the qa centre related to it, but the  
one I reported a couple of versions ago seems to have disappeared  
completely, so I'll re-report it if no-one else already has....



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