[OT] Re: Filthy Apples

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Thu Sep 28 20:46:09 EDT 2006

Hey Chipp

> How ironic. Greenpeace targets Apple because it knows Apple's
> consumers are most influenced by these sort of issues. Frankly, I'd be
> VERY surprised if Dell, HP and the rest aren't as bad or worse than
> Apple.

Perhaps it comes from the insight that Apple is the industry benchmark for 
innovation. What Apple does one year, consumers demand the next. It takes 
time to change bad habits. I know because I'm currently trying to do it in 
my house. All our organic waste has now become a valued resource by going 
into the compost bin or worm farm and then into the veggie patch from there. 
I believe Greenpeace is taking the wrong stance myself. The electronics 
industry needs to see the resource rather than the waste.



Monte Goulding                                      BCompSci
Sweat Technologies                      BAppSci (Hons)

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